International Journal of Cyber Law <p>The International Journal of Cyber Law publishes original research on the various aspects of the interdisciplinary cyber domain. It is an emerging and professional forum for the international discussion and sharing of innovative, scholarly, and quality empirical research. The journal conveys emerging cyber law challenges, which are growing in scope and urgency as countries around the world are becoming increasingly dependent on digital networks. Decision-makers in the public and private sectors are grappling with the digital challenges posed by this interdependence and are often at a loss for informed and rigorous thinking. The challenges of the cyber world are cross-disciplinary, and the journal's range of contributions reflects this.</p> en-US (Editor) (Technical Supporter) Fri, 29 Sep 2023 10:03:37 +0300 OJS 60 The Uncertainty Principle: How Quantum Mechanics Is Transforming Jurisprudence <p>The uncertainty principle from quantum mechanics challenges assumptions of determinism and has profound implications for legal theory and jurisprudence. This paper reviews the uncertainty principle and arguments about how it could impact core areas of jurisprudence including standards of proof, causation doctrines, and conceptual frameworks. An interdisciplinary literature review was conducted. The uncertainty principle implies limits on precision of knowledge that some scholars argue requires shifting from deterministic to probabilistic approaches in law. However, significant debate remains over whether insights from quantum mechanics apply meaningfully to the macroscopic legal domain. More collaborative interdisciplinary research is needed to fully assess the potential transformative impacts on jurisprudence.</p> Islombek Abdikhakimov Copyright (c) 2023 International Journal of Cyber Law Fri, 29 Sep 2023 00:00:00 +0300