Modern International Issues and Prospective Solutions in the Field Of Genomics and AI Regulation: Creating a System for Assessing Safety and Ethics of AI Technologies

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  • Ekaterina Kan Tashkent State University of Law



Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Genomics, Bioethics, International Law, Safety, Accountability, Human Rights


With the rapid development of genomics and artificial intelligence (AI) technologies worldwide, there is an urgent need for strengthened international regulation and cooperation to ensure these innovations are developed and deployed safely, ethically, and for the benefit of humanity. This article provides an overview of key gaps and risks in the current governance of AI and genomics across national jurisdictions, such as biased decision-making encoded in algorithms, lack of accountability mechanisms, and potential for human rights violations. It proposes the establishment of an international organization mandated to develop standardized testing protocols and evidence-based guidelines for assessing the safety, security, and ethics of AI systems. Such an organization would convene diverse representatives from governments, industry, academia, and civil society to build consensus on responsible governance approaches aligned with shared human values and international law. This article analyzes pressing issues arising from fragmented regulatory regimes and offers solutions to advance multilateral cooperation, oversight, and public trust in emerging technologies.


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How to Cite

Ekaterina Kan. (2023). Modern International Issues and Prospective Solutions in the Field Of Genomics and AI Regulation: Creating a System for Assessing Safety and Ethics of AI Technologies. Uzbek Journal of Law and Digital Policy, 1(4).


