Combating Cyber Extortion by Corrupt Officials

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  • Sherzod Raimberdiyev Tashkent State University of Law



Cyber Extortion, Cybercrime, Corruption, Data Protection, Cyber-security


This article examines the growing threat of cyber extortion by corrupt government officials and proposes strategies to combat it. Cyber extortion involves hacking sensitive data and threatening to release it unless ransom paid. Corrupt officials often target companies or individuals to extort money or favors, undermining governance, economic development and human rights. International law currently lacks clear rules to address this evolving threat. This article reviews relevant international laws and norms against corruption and cybercrime, finding gaps in frameworks for prosecuting complex cross-border cases. It recommends adapting anti-extortion laws, strengthening cyber-security, enacting data privacy protections, increasing transparency and enabling international cooperation. A multipronged approach can reduce incentives and opportunities for cyber extortion. Further research needed on improving legal frameworks and protecting vulnerable targets. Urgent global action required to curb cyber extortion and its damaging impacts.


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How to Cite

Raimberdiyev, S. (2023). Combating Cyber Extortion by Corrupt Officials. Uzbek Journal of Law and Digital Policy, 1(4).


