Legal Considerations for Harnessing Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare

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  • Kan Ekaterina Tashkent State University of Law



Uzbekistan, Artificial Intelligence (AI), Healthcare, Legal Frameworks, Transparency


This article provides an overview of the theoretical and practical concerns for harmonizing technology and healthcare practices, as well as the legal consequences of implementing AI in healthcare. It draws attention to the privacy, data security, transparency, accountability, and bias concerns that accompany the widespread use of AI in healthcare. Data protection, informed consent, algorithmic transparency, and regulatory monitoring are just some of the issues addressed in this paper, which calls for the creation of strong legal frameworks to control AI in healthcare. It stresses the need for audits, explainability, and shared responsibility among stakeholders in AI-enabled healthcare to ensure accountability and create confidence. This work explores how Uzbekistan might develop its approach to artificial intelligence legislation in healthcare by drawing on the experiences of other jurisdictions and working in tandem with international organizations.


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How to Cite

Ekaterina, K. (2023). Legal Considerations for Harnessing Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare. Uzbek Journal of Law and Digital Policy, 2(1).


