Legislating the Future: Civil Law Regulation for Smart Cities

Abstract views: 66


  • Abduvaliev Bokhadir Tashkent State University of Law




Digital Law, Smart Cities, Advancements in Technology, Ethics, Workplace Implants


In order to defend legal entities in the period of technological growth, this essay investigates the legal elements of cyber-security in smart cities and suggests civil law regulation. The research looks at the ethical and legal ramifications of introducing cybernetic implants into the workplace, as well as the theoretical and practical aspects of controlling biometric and technological breakthroughs in the human body. The work offers theoretical and practical methods for controlling cyber-security in smart cities by analyzing international and national legal frameworks as well as court cases and precedents. The study emphasizes the significance of establishing incident response systems, enforcing cyber-security standards, and creating regulatory frameworks to guarantee the ethical and safe integration of technology in smart cities. Uzbekistan may benefit greatly from learning from the regulatory practices of other countries and the outcomes of key legal cases while developing its own legal framework for smart cities.


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How to Cite

Bokhadir, A. (2023). Legislating the Future: Civil Law Regulation for Smart Cities. Uzbek Journal of Law and Digital Policy, 2(1). https://doi.org/10.59022/ujldp.138


