Correlation between Administration and Business

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  • Khumoyun Soyipov Tashkent State University of Law



Administrative Law,, Administration,, Entrepreneurial Activity, Investments, Protection of Interests, Administrative Procedures, Uzbekistan


The article notes that one of the main strategic directions of the economic policy of the state is the full support of entrepreneurial activity, the creation of the necessary legal framework for administration to ensure economic independence and equality of entrepreneurs. It indicates the leading role of administration in providing these tasks. It is argued that the administration and the state of business in the country are interconnected phenomena. The article analyzes the state of legal regulation of relations between the state and business from the theoretical and practical side. The reader’s attention is drawn to the ways of state influence on business entities in order to protect the interests of business in the country. It is noted about the special role of administrative law in achieving a balance of public (state) and private interests (business). The authors reveal in detail the permission as a method of administrative and legal regulation of entrepreneurship in the country and give legal examples, statistics, judicial practice and public opinion on this matter, as well as reveal the licensing system of the Republic of Uzbekistan in the field of entrepreneurship. It is noted that the merit of the legislation on administrative procedures in the legal regulation of relations between the state and business. The topic under study is consolidated by the analysis of leading scientists in the field of administrative law, the experience of leading foreign countries, as well as the results of a survey of entrepreneurs regarding the implementation of the Law on Administrative Procedures. The topic under study is consolidated by the analysis of leading scientists in the field of administrative law, the experience of leading foreign countries, as well as the results of a survey of entrepreneurs regarding the implementation of the Law on Administrative Procedures.


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How to Cite

Soyipov, K. (2024). Correlation between Administration and Business. Uzbek Journal of Law and Digital Policy, 2(3), 19–28.


