Theoretical Analysis of Early Termination of Authority of Local Deputies

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  • Avezov Dilshod Tashkent State University of Law



Local Councils, Deputy (MP), Term of Office, Legitimacy, Uzbekistan


The paper analyzes the practical features, legal foundation, and opportunities to strengthen the system of early termination of authority of a local council deputy's. The author examined the current reasons for terminating a deputy mandate, researched other nations' experiences, and created suggestions to enhance domestic laws. The study led to the formation of scientifically supported conclusions regarding egregious violations of the deputy ethics rules, corruption-related crimes, conflicts of interest violations, the creation of new grounds, and the implementation of a procedure for terminating a deputy's authority.


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How to Cite

Dilshod, A. (2025). Theoretical Analysis of Early Termination of Authority of Local Deputies. Uzbek Journal of Law and Digital Policy, 3(1), 46–56.


