The Role of Smart Contracts in Civil Law and Issues of Legal Regulation

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  • Jаvоkhir Eshоnkulоv Tashkent State University of Law



Smart Contracts, Civil Law, Blockchain Technology, Legal Regulation, Contract Law, Digital Transactions, Legal Automation, Regulatory Frameworks


This comprehensive study examines the integration of smart contracts into civil law systems and analyzes the associated regulatory challenges. The research investigates the fundamental nature of smart contracts as technological tools and legal instruments, their compatibility with existing civil law frameworks, and the emerging regulatory approaches across different jurisdictions. Through systematic analysis of legislative developments, case law, and scholarly discourse, this study identifies key legal issues including contract formation, performance, enforcement, and dispute resolution in the context of smart contracts. The findings reveal significant gaps in current regulatory frameworks and propose solutions for harmonizing smart contract implementation with established civil law principles. This research contributes to the ongoing academic discourse on legal technology integration and provides practical recommendations for legislators, legal practitioners, and technology developers.


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How to Cite

Eshоnkulоv J. (2025). The Role of Smart Contracts in Civil Law and Issues of Legal Regulation. Uzbek Journal of Law and Digital Policy, 3(1), 104–111.


