Reforming Traditional Modern Education in the Context of the Projected Symbiotic Economy

Cyber Education, Education Reform, Artificial Intelligence, Digital Skills, InnovationsAbstract
This article analyzes the problems and various restrictive methods of traditional models of the educational system. It considers the potential of digital education and technologies in cyberspace to reform this system and prepare students for the digital era. This article discusses various approaches to innovative aspects, including augmented reality, digital reality, virtual reality, artificial intelligence, and creative platforms based on machine learning. In addition, various educational technologies are given, including legal LegalTech and STEM technologies that can be used in both social sciences and humanities. In addition, an analysis is made of how education is being reformed in different countries, and recommendations are given on how cyber education can improve the teaching activities of the teaching staff. A summary is made of how traditional and innovative methods can work in synergy to solve joint problems in the future.
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