AI and the Law: Unraveling the Complexities of Regulatory Frameworks in Europe

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  • Naeem AllahRakha Tashkent State University of Law



Artificial Intelligence, Regulatory Frameworks, Europe, GDPR, Privacy, Data Protection, Intellectual Property Rights, Liability, Innovation, Regulation, Cross-border AI Regulation, Future of AI Regulation


This article investigates the legal and regulatory landscape of artificial intelligence (AI) in Europe. As AI technology rapidly advances, it poses novel challenges and opportunities for existing legal frameworks. The paper begins by exploring the current state of AI in Europe; focusing on how the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and other laws shape the development and implementation of AI. Using a robust methodology that includes a literature review, comparative study, and case analysis, the study examines the legal and regulatory challenges in AI, such as privacy, data protection, intellectual property rights, and liability issues. It also delves into the different AI regulatory approaches across Europe, discussing the role of the European Union's AI regulatory framework and the challenges in cross-border AI regulation. The discussion section explores the delicate balance between innovation and regulation in AI and proposes potential directions for AI regulation in Europe. The article concludes by summarizing key findings, discussing the future of AI regulatory challenges and opportunities in Europe, and issuing a call to action for European policymakers, regulators, and AI developers.


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How to Cite

AllahRakha, N. (2023). AI and the Law: Unraveling the Complexities of Regulatory Frameworks in Europe. International Bulletin of Young Scientist, 1(2).


