About the Journal
The International Journal of Hospitality and Tourism publishes theoretical and applied research conducted by academics and industries. It is dedicated to a wide range of subjects, such as tourism and travel management, leisure and recreation studies, and the developing discipline of event management. The journal contributes to the continuous dialogue between hospitality and tourism practitioners, researchers, and professionals. The major goal is to disseminate current and cutting-edge research to stakeholders from corporate, public, and non-profit organizations all over the world. The journal encourages the connectivity of modern research in order to broaden the field's boundaries of knowledge and to create a global platform for the exchange of thoughts and ideas in industrial applications.
The International Journal of Hospitality and Tourism is an international, indexed, open access journal that is free to readers, with authors or their institutions paying article processing charges (APCs). The Journal is known for redefining publishing by combining cutting-edge research with quick publication. The journal's purpose is to encourage scientists to publish their experiments and theoretical analyses in the way specified. It ensures high-quality research in the realm of academic publishing, as well as rigorous peer-review and strong ethical norms for worldwide writers. The research should yield novel insights that can greatly increase knowledge and resilience in hospitality and tourist management. Its goal is to initiate and stimulate high-impact, creative research that is important to academics and practitioners in the hotel and tourism sectors.
The International Journal of Hospitality and Tourism aspires to enhance and encourage innovative thinking, and it disseminates contemporary research and activities from academics and industries in order to build networks and new relationships among scholars and creative thinkers. Through the intellectual exchange of ideas, trends, and paradigmatic shifts in the disciplines of hospitality and tourism, the journal serves as a bridge between academics and industry. The journal provides a venue for academics and practitioners to document the effect and influence of technology on the hotel and tourism sectors. All application-related concerns may be addressed, keeping the reader informed of new advancements and rising trends. The journal enthusiastically invites submissions from scientists, academics, researchers, students, and industry practitioners in the form of articles, case studies, reports, lecture notes, monographs, dissertations, conference series, books, and book reviews.