Mapping the Legal Landscape: The Intersection of Cartography and Law in a Modern Society

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  • Kerjayev Murad Mamedorazovich Tashkent State University of Law



Cartography, Disputed Territories, Border Disputes, Legal Challenges, International Cartographic Standards, Legal Frameworks, lternative Mapping Approaches, Counter-mapping


This article explores the legal problem of representing disputed territories and borders in cartography and examines potential solutions to address this complex issue. The research employs a mixed-methods approach, combining qualitative and quantitative data from academic literature, case studies, cartographic standards, and international legal documents. The findings indicate that border disputes are a widespread and persistent global issue, and cartographers face numerous legal and ethical challenges when representing these disputed areas. Three main potential solutions were identified: the development of international cartographic standards, the implementation of legal frameworks to govern the depiction of borders, and the promotion of alternative mapping approaches. A comparative assessment of these solutions reveals that no single approach is sufficient in addressing the legal problem, and a multifaceted strategy is necessary to promote impartiality, accuracy, and fairness in cartographic practices. The most effective solution may involve a combination of these approaches, leveraging their respective strengths to address the complex legal, ethical, and practical challenges associated with the representation of disputed territories in cartography. Based on our analysis, we propose several policy recommendations and legal reforms to address the problem, as well as suggestions for future research and practical applications in the cartography and legal fields. By pursuing these avenues for future research and practical applications, we hope to contribute to the ongoing efforts to address the legal problem of representing disputed territories and borders in cartography and promote more equitable, transparent, and effective practices in this important field.


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How to Cite

Kerjayev Murad Mamedorazovich. (2023). Mapping the Legal Landscape: The Intersection of Cartography and Law in a Modern Society. Uzbek Journal of Law and Digital Policy, 1(2).


