Adapting Legal Systems to the Development of Artificial Intelligence: Solving the Global Problem of AI in Judicial Processes

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  • Gulyamov Said Tashkent State University of Law
  • Khudoberganov Azamat Tashkent State University of Law
  • Sharopov Ravshan Tashkent State University of Law
  • Abduvaliev Bokhadir Tashkent State University of Law



Artificial Intelligence, Litigation, Legal System, Judicial Process, Legal Responsibility, International Legal Acts, Legal Problems, Legal Solutions


The rapid advancement of artificial intelligence (AI) has brought about substantial changes in numerous fields, including the legal system. As AI technologies continue to evolve and proliferate, their integration into courtrooms presents a range of opportunities and challenges. This article focuses on the adaptation of legal systems to accommodate the development of AI, particularly in the context of judicial processes. The global issue of AI in the judiciary necessitates a comprehensive examination of its implications, including the potential benefits and risks involved. By exploring the utilization of AI in legal proceedings, this study aims to identify strategies and solutions for addressing the challenges associated with AI integration. Furthermore, the article highlights the importance of creating a balanced framework that upholds legal principles, safeguards human rights, ensures transparency, and maintains public trust. As legal systems strive to navigate the impact of AI, this research aims to contribute to the ongoing discourse on effectively incorporating AI into judicial processes while preserving fairness, integrity, and accountability.


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How to Cite

Said, G., Azamat, K., Ravshan, S., & Bokhadir, A. (2023). Adapting Legal Systems to the Development of Artificial Intelligence: Solving the Global Problem of AI in Judicial Processes. International Journal of Cyber Law, 1(4).




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