Rise of the Machines: The Legal Implications of Robotics and Automation for the Digital Workforce

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  • Vosiev Zhamshid Tashkent State University of Law
  • Yakubov Akhtam Nusratilloevich Tashkent State University of Law
  • Karakhodjaeva Shahida Tashkent State University of Law
  • Khudoberganov Azamat Tashkent State University of Law




Robotics, Automation, Digital Workforce, Legal Consequences, International Law, Artificial Intelligence


The rapid advancement of robotics and automation technologies has led to profound transformations in the digital workforce. As machines continue to acquire the capability to perform increasingly complex tasks, concerns are emerging regarding the legal implications for workers and the broader socioeconomic landscape. This article explores the rise of robotics and automation and its legal ramifications for the digital workforce. It examines the challenges and opportunities posed by the integration of these technologies into various industries, including issues related to job displacement, worker safety, liability, and intellectual property rights. Additionally, the article discusses the need for legal frameworks that can effectively address the evolving nature of work in the era of automation. By analyzing current legal perspectives and emerging trends, this study aims to shed light on the legal complexities associated with robotics and automation and offers insights into how society can navigate this transformative era while ensuring the protection and well-being of workers.


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How to Cite

Zhamshid, V., Nusratilloevich, Y. A., Shahida, K., & Azamat, K. (2023). Rise of the Machines: The Legal Implications of Robotics and Automation for the Digital Workforce. International Journal of Cyber Law, 1(4). https://doi.org/10.59022/ijcl.51


