Examining the Role and Qualification Requirements of Experts in Digital Arbitration

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  • Rustambekov Islombek Rustambekovich Tashkent State University of Law




Digital Arbitration, Expert Qualifications, International Guidelines, Certification Programs, Transparency, Impartiality, Conflict of Interest, Dispute Resolution


This study investigates the role and qualification requirements of experts in digital arbitration, identifying several limitations in the current qualification requirements, such as inconsistent criteria across jurisdictions and institutions, lack of emphasis on relevant technical expertise, and potential conflicts of interest arising from the expert selection process. To address these limitations, we propose a set of potential solutions, including the development of international guidelines for expert qualifications, the implementation of certification programs for digital arbitration experts, and the promotion of transparency and impartiality in expert selection. Our findings have important implications for policymakers, arbitration institutions, and practitioners in the field of digital arbitration, as they highlight the need for standardized qualification requirements and a more rigorous approach to expert selection to enhance the credibility, effectiveness, and fairness of digital arbitration processes. We suggest future research directions, such as investigating the practical challenges and opportunities associated with implementing the proposed solutions and exploring the potential impact of emerging technologies on the role and qualifications of experts in digital arbitration.


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How to Cite

Rustambekov Islombek Rustambekovich. (2023). Examining the Role and Qualification Requirements of Experts in Digital Arbitration. Uzbek Journal of Law and Digital Policy, 1(2). https://doi.org/10.59022/ujldp.82


