About the Journal

The International Journal of Law and Policy (ISSN:3005-2289) promotes multidisciplinary research, including criticisms and expanded points of view that advance specific legal or social science studies regarding law and legal frameworks. This independent, peer-reviewed journal accepts publications on law and its interactions with international policy and empirical and multidisciplinary research. An editorial team from several countries develops a platform for academics to discuss global legal and policy concerns. The Journal has developed a reputation for revolutionizing publishing by combining cutting-edge research with open access and quick publication. This publication establishes a connection between legal experts, policymakers, and academics who study the law and policies.

The International Journal of Law and Policy is an open-access journal that welcomes original research on ever-changing laws and policies. Affiliated with IRSHAD JOURNALS, the Journal of Law and Policy has a high acceptance rate and encourages not only theoretical or empirical work in law and policy but also governmental and regulatory issues. This scholarly journal adheres to the publication process to ensure original and quality research work in the field, and to cater to the needs of legal professionals who interpret law and regulations. It prioritizes the needs of law professionals, policymakers, legal firms, academic and research institutions, as well as students. The International Journal of Law and Policy thus encompasses a wide range of topics in one place and discusses the potential of future paths of research.

The International Journal of Law and Policy publishes articles, case studies, Reports, Lecture Notes, monographs, dissertations, Conference Series, books, and book reviews on all aspects of law and regulation. Special emphasis is placed on contemporary development, but the journal’s range includes applicability and enforceability. An important feature of the journal is the case and analysis sections, in which authors analyze recent judicial decisions and state policies, new legislation, and law reform proposals. The research is designed to have the widest appeal to those interested in the law and policies, whether as practitioners, researchers, teachers, judges, or administrations. The journal provides an opportunity to keep abreast of new ideas and the progress of legal reforms.

Criteria for Publication

To be published in the International Journal of Law and Policy (IJLP), a paper must satisfy all of the following criteria:

  1. Research Scope: The paper must report research that falls within the journal's scope.

  2. Research Question: The paper must pose a clear and valid research question.

  3. Methodology and Analysis: The paper must be academically sound in both its methodology and analysis.

  4. Evidence and Reasoning: The paper must provide appropriate evidence or reasoning to support its conclusions.

  5. Contribution to Literature: The paper must contribute to the existing literature. It should report specific findings and not merely repeat what is already known.

  6. Presentation and Language: The paper must be presented in an intelligible manner and written in standard English.

Preparing Your Paper 

A. Structure 

Your paper should be compiled in the following order:

  1. Title Page
  2. Abstract
  3. Keywords
  4. Introduction
  5. Methodology
  6. Results
  7. Discussion
  8. Conclusion
  9. Bibliography
  10. Appendices (as appropriate)
  11. Tables with Captions (on individual pages)
  12. Acknowledgment
  13. Author Bio
  14. Conflict of Interest

B. Text Formatting

  • Manuscripts should be submitted in Word.
  • Abbreviations should be defined at first mention and used consistently thereafter.
  • Use a normal, plain font (e.g., 14-point Times Roman) for text.
  • Use italics for emphasis.
  • Do not use field functions.
  • Use tab stops or other commands for indents, not the space bar.
  • Use the table function, not spreadsheets, to make tables.
  • Save your file in .docx format (Word 2007 or higher).

C. General Provisions

  • Each paragraph should consist of 8-10 sentences.
  • There should be no spaces between paragraphs, headings, and paragraphs.
  • Please include in-text references where necessary (APA Style).
  • Insert footnote references (APA Style).
  • The typical length of an article should be  8000-10000 words (including abstract, main body, and conclusion) without references.
  • The essay should be structured according to IMRAD.
  • Divide your article into clearly defined and numbered sections. Sections and subsections should be numbered I, II, III (then A, B, C...), 1, 2, 3, etc.
  • The abstract, conclusion, and references are not included in section numbering.
  • Avoid using a fourth subheading; use bullet points within the third heading if necessary.
  • Present tables and figures at the end of the essay or in line with the text.
  • Avoid citations in the abstract.
  • All paragraphs must be justified.

D. Title

  • The title should be no longer than 12 words.
  • The title heading must be free of numbers or bullets.
  • The initial letter of each word will be capitalized.

E. Author's Details

  • Author name (First name - Last name)
  • The initial letter of each word will be capitalized.
  • Name of the affiliated institute
  • The initial letter of each word will be capitalized.
  • Email
  • ORCID (if any)
  • The author's details must be free of numbers or bullets.
  • If co-authors exist, their names should be listed in the same manner after one space.
  • If there is more than one author, please insert an (*) at the end of all authors' names, e.g., Naeem AllahRakah*

F. Abstrac

  • Provide an abstract not exceeding 150 words.
  • The abstract should not contain any undefined abbreviations or unspecified references.
  • The abstract should consist of a single paragraph.

G. Keywords

  • Provide 4 to 6 keywords for indexing purposes.
  • Keywords must:
    • Represent the content of the article.
    • Help readers and search engines find and categorize the article.
    • Be relevant to the content of the article.
    • Accurately reflect the main topics and themes covered in the research.

H. Introduction

  • Provide background to the situation.
  • Identify the problem.
  • Describe the gap in knowledge that the study was designed to fill.
  • Argue that the problem needs to be solved.
  • Summarize the solution.
  • Explain its relevance to the audience, state a thesis or purpose, and outline the main points.
  • Define key terms.
  • Use footnotes where necessary (at least one for each paragraph) in APA citation format.
  • In-text citations are allowed, but their endnote must be included.

I. Methodology

  • Describe the type of research you performed and how you developed your research methods.
  • Explain your data collection process.
  • Detail your data analysis approaches.
  • Describe the tools, materials, and other resources used for your research and analysis.
  • Show why your research is valid and relevant, focusing on your rationale.

J. Results

  • Highlight recurring points of agreement or disagreement, patterns, and trends.
  • Provide a concise summary of each relevant result, both positive and negative.
  • Relate each result to the research question or hypothesis.
  • Introduce the context for understanding the results by restating the research problem.
  • Summarize key findings in a logical sequence.
  • Include non-textual elements (figures, charts, photos, maps, tables) as appropriate.
  • Use the past tense when referring to your results.
  • Focus only on findings that are important and related to addressing the research problem.

K. Discussion

  • Summarize your key findings.
  • Provide interpretations.
  • Discuss the implications.
  • Acknowledge the limitations.
  • Share recommendations.

L. Conclusion

  • Restate your topic and its importance.
  • Restate your claim and thesis.
  • Reiterate supporting points.
  • Connect opening and closing statements.
  • Provide insight.
  • Address opposing viewpoints and explain why readers should align with your position.
  • Call for action or overview future research possibilities.

M. Bibliography

  • Reference list should be in alphabetical order.
  • Only cite references in APA 7th edition (latest version).

1. Laws/Policies Reference Samples

  • Format: Name of the Act, Title number Source § Section number (Year).
  • Example: Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993, 29 U.S.C. § 2601 (1993).

2. Book References Samples

  • Format: Author, A. A. (Year of publication). Title of work: Capital letter also for subtitle. Publisher.
  • Example: AllahRakha, N. (2023). A step-by-step guide to writing scientific articles and dissertations: Tashkent State University of Law Edition. LAMBERT Academic Publication.
  • For multiple authors, use the format: AllahRakha, N., Gulyamov, S., & Ali, A. (2023). A step-by-step guide to writing scientific articles and dissertations: Tashkent State University of Law Edition. LAMBERT Academic Publication.

3. Journal Reference Samples

  • Format: Author(s). (Year of Publication). Title of article. Title of Journal, volume number (issue number), page range. DOI or URL.
  • Example with DOI: AllahRakha, N. (2023). Exploring the Role of Blockchain Technology in Strengthening International Legal Guarantees for Investment Activity. International Journal of Law and Policy, 1(3). https://doi.org/10.59022/ijlp.37
  • Example without DOI: Allahrakha, N. (2023). Balancing Cyber-security and Privacy: Legal and Ethical Considerations in the Digital Age. Legal Issues in the Digital Age, 4(2), 78-121. Retrieved from https://lida.hse.ru/article/view/17666

N. Acknowledgment
It is important to recognize and acknowledge the contributions of individuals and organizations that have provided support, guidance, or assistance throughout the research process. This can include funding agencies, research collaborators, advisors, mentors, and colleagues who have provided technical or administrative support. The acknowledgments section should be concise, typically no more than one paragraph, and should clearly and accurately acknowledge all relevant individuals and organizations. It is important to ensure that all contributions are acknowledged and that all individuals and organizations are named correctly. If any specific individuals or organizations have provided significant support or guidance, it can be helpful to provide a brief explanation of their contributions.

O. Author Bio/Cover Letter
When writing the author bio/cover letter for a scientific research article, it is important to provide a summary of the author's qualifications and relevant experience. This can include a summary of the author's academic background, research interests, and previous publications or professional experience in the field.

P. Conflicts of interest Statement

The International Journal of Law and Policy (IJLP) requires authors to disclose any conflicts of interest that could influence their research's integrity, including professional or financial gain, personal or academic relationships, religious, philosophical, or political beliefs, or any other factors that could compromise the independent preparation or publication of a manuscript. Authors must report potential or actual conflicts of interest upon initial manuscript submission and update this disclosure if new conflicts arise during the revision process. This includes detailing all sources of financial support, such as sponsors and grant numbers, any assistance received for data collection, analysis, or manuscript writing, and any limitations on the investigators' access to data and its analysis. This policy ensures the transparency and trustworthiness of the research published by IJLP.

Manuscript Submission

1. Submission

Submitting a manuscript to the International Journal of Law and Policy (IJLP) implies that the work described has not been previously published and is not under consideration for publication elsewhere. Additionally, the submission indicates that all co-authors (if any) and responsible authorities at the institute where the work was conducted have approved its publication. The publisher will not be legally responsible for any compensation claims.

2. Permissions

Authors intending to include figures, tables, or text passages previously published elsewhere must obtain permission from the copyright owner(s) for both print and online formats. Evidence of granted permission should be included when submitting the manuscript. Any material submitted without such evidence will be assumed to originate from the authors.

3. Online Submission

Please click on the "Make a Submission" hyperlink and follow the on-screen instructions to upload all your manuscript files.

4. Source Files

Ensure you provide all relevant editable source files with every submission and revision. Manuscripts without a complete set of editable source files will not be considered for review. For manuscript text, please submit in common word processing formats such as .docx.

Copyright Policy

1. Copyright Retention

Authors of articles published in the International Journal of Law and Policy (IJLP) retain the copyright of their articles, except for any third-party images and other materials added by IJLP, which are subject to the copyright of their respective owners. Authors are free to disseminate and re-publish their articles, provided that they fully cite the original publication in IJLP. The ability to copy, download, forward, or otherwise distribute any materials is always subject to any copyright notices displayed. 

2. Reuse and Licensing

Authors can protect their original material and prevent others from using their work without permission. IJLP offers Creative Commons licenses for open-access publications. Open Choice articles do not require the transfer of copyright, as the copyright remains with the author. By opting for open access, authors agree to publish their articles under the Creative Commons Attribution License.

3. Authorship Principles

IJLP adheres to the highest standards of authorship principles and practices. It is assumed that all authors have agreed with the content of the submission and have given explicit consent to submit the work. Authors must also obtain consent from the responsible authorities at the institute/organization where the work was carried out before submission.

4. Authorship Criteria

The IJLP does not prescribe specific contributions that warrant authorship. However, it is recommended that authors adhere to the following criteria, in the absence of specific guidelines within their research field:

  1. All authors whose names appear on the submission must have made substantial contributions to the conception or design of the work; the acquisition, analysis, or interpretation of data; or the creation of new software used in the work.
  2. All authors must have drafted the work or revised it critically for important intellectual content.
  3. All authors must have approved the final version to be published.
  4. All authors must agree to be accountable for all aspects of the work, ensuring that questions related to the accuracy or integrity of any part of the work are appropriately investigated and resolved.

By adhering to these guidelines, IJLP aims to maintain the integrity and quality of its published articles and ensure the proper recognition of authors' contributions.

Role of the Corresponding Author 

The Corresponding Author plays a crucial role in ensuring the integrity and smooth management of the manuscript submission and publication process for the International Journal of Law and Policy (IJLP). This individual is responsible for acting on behalf of all co-authors and addressing any questions related to the accuracy or integrity of any part of the work.

Responsibilities of the Corresponding Author include:

  1. Approval of Manuscript:

    Ensuring that all listed authors have reviewed and approved the manuscript prior to submission. This includes verifying the accuracy of the names and the order of authors.
  2. Communication Management:

    Managing all communication between the Journal and all co-authors, both before and after publication. This responsibility includes timely responses to queries and facilitating discussions related to the manuscript.
  3. Transparency and Re-use of Material:

    Providing transparency regarding the re-use of material and mentioning any unpublished material (such as manuscripts in press) included in the submission. This information should be included in a cover letter to the Editor.
  4. Disclosures and Declarations:

    Ensuring that disclosures, declarations, and transparency on data statements from all authors are included in the manuscript as appropriate. This ensures compliance with ethical standards and maintains the integrity of the research.

Compliance with Ethical Standards

Authors must ensure objectivity and transparency in their research and adhere to accepted principles of ethical and professional conduct. They must avoid conflicts of interest and obtain informed consent if the research involves participants. The Editors reserve the right to reject manuscripts that do not comply with these guidelines. Authors will be held responsible for false statements or failure to fulfill these guidelines.

Plagiarism Policy

Plagiarism is a serious violation of ethical and academic standards that undermines the integrity of scholarly research. The International Journal of Law and Policy (IJLP) is committed to upholding the highest standards of academic integrity and originality in published works.

  1. Definition of Plagiarism: Plagiarism includes, but is not limited to, the submission of another person's work in whole or in part, without proper attribution, and passing it off as one's own. This includes self-plagiarism (reusing significant portions of one's own published or unpublished work without proper citation) and duplication of content (publishing substantially similar research in multiple journals without disclosure).

  2. Screening Process: All submissions to IJLP undergo rigorous screening using industry-leading plagiarism detection software. This ensures that all manuscripts are thoroughly checked for similarities with previously published works and other sources. The journal employs a tolerance level of up to 20% for similarities, considering legitimate cases of common phrases and proper citations.

  3. Author Responsibilities: Authors submitting manuscripts to IJLP are responsible for ensuring the originality of their work. They must properly cite all sources used and avoid any form of plagiarism. Authors should disclose any prior publication or submission of the same research elsewhere to avoid duplication.

  4. Editorial Actions: In cases where plagiarism or substantial similarities are detected, including self-plagiarism, the IJLP editorial board will take immediate action. This may include rejection of the submission, retraction of a published article, or other appropriate measures according to the severity and context of the violation.

  5. Ethical Considerations: The IJLP adheres strictly to ethical guidelines and expects authors, reviewers, and editors to uphold these principles. Authors are encouraged to familiarize themselves with ethical standards in academic publishing, including proper attribution and avoidance of unethical practices.

  6. Appeals and Corrections: Authors have the right to appeal editorial decisions related to plagiarism allegations. Corrections and retractions will be handled transparently and promptly, maintaining the credibility and trustworthiness of the journal.

By adhering to these policies, IJLP aims to maintain the integrity and originality of scholarly research published in its pages, fostering a fair and ethical academic publishing environment.

Pricing Policy 

The International Journal of Law and Policy (IJLP) offers an open-access publishing model, allowing anyone with Internet access to freely access articles. To cover the costs associated with publishing, IJLP has established the following pricing policy for authors submitting manuscripts.

1. Article Processing and Publication Fees

  • Article Processing Charge (APC): $50
  • Publication Fee (PF): $50
  • Manuscript Editing Services Payment (MESP): $150

2. Waiver Policy

Waivers or discounts may be granted to student authors or early career authors based on financial hardship or other considerations at the discretion of the editorial board. The waiver policy is as follows:

  • Manuscript Editing Services Payment (MESP): This fee may be waived if the manuscript aligns with the journal's guidelines.
  • Publication Fee (PF): This fee may be waived for student or early career authors upon the recommendation of the Editorial Board.

3. Payment Methods

The total amount can be paid through bank transfer. Authors should be aware that they need to cover any bank transfer fees incurred during the payment process.

4. VAT (Value-Added Tax)

Authors based in countries that require VAT payment must pay the additional VAT amount along with the APC.

5. Refund Policy

No amount will be refunded once the manuscript has been published.

We believe that this pricing policy will help us cover the costs associated with publishing and managing the journal while encouraging high-quality submissions from authors dedicated to contributing to the field of law and policy.

Accepted Manuscripts Online (AMO) Initiative

The International Journal of Law and Policy (IJLP) is committed to expediting the dissemination of scholarly work through its Accepted Manuscripts Online (AMO) initiative. Upon acceptance for publication, manuscripts are swiftly made available online to ensure prompt access to the latest research findings.

1. Publication Process: Manuscripts undergo a continuous processing cycle upon initial acceptance. They proceed through peer review, followed by copy editing and production stages independently. This streamlined approach allows for a seamless flow of publications, ensuring that each accepted manuscript is processed without delay.

2. Monthly Publication Cycle: IJLP publishes issues monthly, incorporating accepted manuscripts into upcoming editions as the Version of Record (VoR) upon completion of the production process. This systematic publication schedule maintains a timely dissemination of scholarly contributions to the field of law and policy.

3. Author Responsibilities: Authors are encouraged to promptly settle any charges associated with publication and to respond promptly to proof corrections. Timely cooperation from authors facilitates the efficient publication of their work in accordance with IJLP's commitment to the rapid dissemination of academic research.

Archive Policy

1. Digital Preservation and Archiving Policy

The International Journal of Law and Policy (IJLP) is committed to the digital preservation of its content to ensure the long-term accessibility and usability of the journal's valuable research work. Our archiving policy encompasses various strategies to safeguard digital content and ensure its availability to current and future readers.

2. Website Archiving

All articles published in IJLP are archived on our journal website. This ensures that the digital content remains accessible to our readers and researchers globally.

3. Abstracting and Indexing Services

IJLP collaborates with several abstracting and indexing services to enhance the discoverability and preservation of our published articles. These services archiving and providing access to our journal's content.

4. Self-Archiving

Authors are encouraged to self-archive their articles to increase the dissemination and impact of their research. The self-archiving policy includes:

  • Personal and Institutional Repositories: Authors may archive the accepted manuscript or the final published version on their personal websites, institutional repositories, or non-commercial repositories immediately after publication.

  • Public and Commercial Subject-Based Archives: Authors are permitted to deposit their articles in public and commercial subject-based archives without any embargo period.

  • Creative Commons License: Articles published under the OPEN ACCESS category are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International Public License (CC BY 4.0), allowing immediate deposition and public release.