UNESCO's AI Ethics Principles: Challenges and Opportunities

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  • Naeem AllahRakha Tashkent State University of Law




UNESCO, AI, Ethics, AI Principles, AI challenges


This paper examines UNESCO's Recommendation on the Ethics of Artificial Intelligence, which outlines key principles for ensuring responsible AI development. The aim is to explore the challenges and opportunities in implementing these principles in the current AI landscape. Through a literature review, comparative analysis of existing frameworks, and case studies. This research identifies key challenges such as cultural variability, regulatory gaps, and the rapid pace of AI innovation. Conversely, it highlights opportunities like establishing global ethical standards, fostering public trust, and promoting responsible AI innovation. The study proposes strategies for overcoming challenges, including clear ethical metrics, international oversight, and ethics education in AI curricula. The findings emphasize the requirement for global cooperation and robust governance mechanisms to ensure ethical AI development. The research concludes that while implementing UNESCO's AI ethics principles is complex, it is crucial for safeguarding human rights and promoting sustainable AI growth worldwide.


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How to Cite

AllahRakha, N. (2024). UNESCO’s AI Ethics Principles: Challenges and Opportunities. International Journal of Law and Policy, 2(9), 24–36. https://doi.org/10.59022/ijlp.225


