Article Competition for Danish Author
Call for Danish Authors
The International Journal of Law and Policy (IJLP) is pleased to announce an exclusive article competition for Danish students, academic scholars, and researchers.
The International Journal of Law and Policy offers authors the option to publish their articles under an open-access model, allowing anyone with an Internet connection to access the article for free. Authors are required to pay a fee(s) to cover publication costs.
There is a price policy for an international journal for authors:
The International Journal of Law and Policy charges a fee for each accepted manuscript.
Waiver Policy: Waivers or discounts may be granted to the student author(s) /early career author (s) based on financial hardship or other reasons at the editorial board's discretion on the following basis.
A-Manuscript Editing Services Payment (MESP) may be waived if the manuscript aligns with journal guidelines.
B-Publication Fee (PF) may be waived for student/early career author (s) on the recommendation of the Editorial Board.
Payment Methods: The total amount can be paid through bank transfer.
VAT (Value-Added Tax): Authors based in countries that require VAT payment must pay the additional VAT amount along with the APC.
Refund Policy: No amount will be refunded once the manuscript has been published.
We believe that this pricing policy will not only help us cover the costs associated with publishing and managing the journal but also encourage high-quality submissions from authors who are serious about contributing to the field of law and policy.
We look forward to receiving your submissions and hope that you find our pricing policy fair and reasonable.
The Editorial Team of the International Journal of Law and Policy
Call for Danish Authors
The International Journal of Law and Policy (IJLP) is pleased to announce an exclusive article competition for Danish students, academic scholars, and researchers.
Call for Japanese Authors
The International Journal of Law and Policy (IJLP) is pleased to announce an exclusive article competition for Japanese students, academic scholars, and researchers.
Call for Caribbean Authors
The International Journal of Law and Policy (IJLP) is pleased to announce an exclusive article competition for Caribbean students, academic scholars, and researchers.
International Journal of Law and Policy
The journal is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0).
Address of the Editorial Office: 892-C Al-Rahman Garden Phase-2, Lahore, Pakistan
Contacts of the Editorial Office: Tel.: +92 423 725 7569 | E-mail:
Founder of the Journal: Naeem AllahRakha (Advocate High Court)
Publisher of the Journal: Irshad Publishers
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