Article Competition for Danish Author
Call for Danish Authors
The International Journal of Law and Policy (IJLP) is pleased to announce an exclusive article competition for Danish students, academic scholars, and researchers.
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Call for Danish Authors
The International Journal of Law and Policy (IJLP) is pleased to announce an exclusive article competition for Danish students, academic scholars, and researchers.
Call for Japanese Authors
The International Journal of Law and Policy (IJLP) is pleased to announce an exclusive article competition for Japanese students, academic scholars, and researchers.
Call for Caribbean Authors
The International Journal of Law and Policy (IJLP) is pleased to announce an exclusive article competition for Caribbean students, academic scholars, and researchers.
International Journal of Law and Policy
The journal is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0).
Address of the Editorial Office: 892-C Al-Rahman Garden Phase-2, Lahore, Pakistan
Contacts of the Editorial Office: Tel.: +92 423 725 7569 | E-mail:
Founder of the Journal: Naeem AllahRakha (Advocate High Court)
Publisher of the Journal: Irshad Publishers
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