What is the Importance of Entering into a Non-Compete Agreement?

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  • Shuhrat Ismoilov TSUL




Non-Competition, Agreement, National Law, Conflicts, Concept, Payments, Contracts


This article analyzes the essence of non-competition agreements with employees and considers options for introducing the conditions for introducing this institution into the legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan. A comparative analysis of foreign jurisdictions was carried out on the basis of the experience of France, Germany and Kazakhstan in applying the construction of an agreement on non-competition with employees, the advantages and disadvantages of using the agreement with employees in question were considered, principles and mechanisms for introducing non-competition agreements with employees into national legislation were proposed.


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How to Cite

Ismoilov, S. (2024). What is the Importance of Entering into a Non-Compete Agreement?. International Journal of Law and Policy, 2(2). https://doi.org/10.59022/ijlp.159


